We Have Moved!

If you tried to visit our site recently and found it was down, or have been unable to reach us by email, there is one very good reason:

The company who were hosting our web site was Servage Hosting.

We'd been with Servage for around 15 years, and until recently everything was fine. They displayed our web pages and they transferred our emails. That's all they were required to do - we have very simple needs! However, 2019 was the year in which Servage became unable to do that. They had technical problems. They had massive technical problems. We, and all of their customers, hoped they would fix these problems. But after a solid, continuous month of catastrophically bad downtimes, and little or no help from their 'head in the sand' technical support staff, we decided we simply had to leave.

If you'd like to read what other people have to say about Servage, please visit their Trustpilot page. Be warned - it's not a pretty sight. As we write this, they are dead last, 202 out of 202, on the list of web hosts, with a rating of 0.8 out of 10. Or try the Servage status page for updates on this never-ending tragedy.

We can only apologise for the problems this has caused to our visitors and customers. If you contacted us and did not get any reply, Servage's complete meltdown is the reason. These problems should not happen again with our new web hosts, but of course if they do we will move again (more quickly).

We are now with a new and much better hosting company. Our web site works. Our email works. We are happy! So, welcome to the new home of Karaoke Builder. It probably looks the same, but we've replaced the broken engine with a shiny new one, which really does work now!


The Karaoke Builder Team